Biologia para Universitarios en Inglés y en Español
Material Covered in this course- Summary
This course is a first-year high school course that provides you with a solid foundation in chemistry. This course prepares you for college-level work. The class covers the following subject matter :
Nomenclature, significant figures, units, classification, molar calculations, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, Additionally, it covers: Lewis structures, molecular geometry, gas laws, and equilibrium.
This course contains thirty-one experiments which can all be performed at home with household chemicals. The instructor will not be involved in any of the experiments. All experiments must be supervised by an adult, a parent or a teacher. Formal written lab reports will be required as part of your grading. This course requires the 3rd edition of Apologia's Chemistry textbook set (textbook, test & solutions manual) – (Please note that other editions will not be compatible with the class).
Prerequisite: Student must have completed first-year Algebra.
Why do you need to take this course ?
A word to Parents
Since the idea that man “evolved” from apes is so much part of today’s educational system, many students, parents and even teachers continue to be confused, and take this as a fact, when in reality is nothing more than a false, and fabricated “idea” based on naturalistic philosophy (Luskin, 2015).
Recent DNA discoveries, fossil records, study and research has rendered this idea completely false, indicating that any “evidence linking humans and apes has been exaggerated (and sometimes even fabricated)” - lacks solid scientific evidence and it continues to be “exaggerated to this day” (Biddle et al., 2016, p. introduction).
We teach this course in chemistry, and other subjects that expose the truth about the universe. We decided to teach children and parents the true science behind everything that exists in the physical world. No longer is it accepted that we arrived to this world as a result of a mixture of chemical compounds that started billions of years ago via a single cell (CMI, 2017).
As we study this course in chemistry you will discover the beautiful and marvelously complex system of atoms, molecules, and chemical compounds in both our body, on earth and in the universe that speaks volumes of an intelligent maker.
As we cover simple chemical principles we and the textbook show that “these marvelously complex systems” did not assemble themselves by chance. That is Impossible ! - Reasonable, and well educated people in the true sciences of chemistry, physics, biology, paleontology, archeology, genetics, mathematics, have arrived at the conclusion that we “are made in the image of our wonderful Creator God” (Dr. Mitchell Tommy. 2015, n.d., p. 7).
Your children, yourself, and any other person who immerses itself in this simple study of chemistry course, will realize the wonderful process of chemistry that fascinates beyond the obvious to any one who spends a minimum amount of time studying this exciting course “Exploring Creation with Chemistry”. 3 rd. Edition. (Plourde, McManamy, Snyder, Meier, & Simpson, 2014)
A word to our students
Most students ask themselves the question: Where did everything come from ? How did atoms come about ? What is the meaning of molecules ? Why is an orange yellow? or why is a sponge soft ? How do the rainbow gets its colors ? Is it true that atoms can not be seen, ever ? How do we know atoms exists then ?
The answer to all those questions are easily found in chemistry. In this course you will be able to "explore God's creation with the eyes of a scientist". When we study the universe at the molecular, atomic, or subatomic level we begin to realize for the first time how everything "fits together" and how such "fitting together" has an intelligent origin from the very start (Plourde, McManamy, Snyder, Meier, & Simpson, 2014, p. xix, 35).
Chemistry is one of the most fascinating subjects of the sciences that helps us to see the logic of everything; all the way from the most elemental particles, to its compounds, how molecules are formed and how principles like "entropy" in thermodynamics helps us to know that indeed the universe is a product of creation and not chance. Never could chance have accomplished the marvelous laws that govern the chemical structure of our universe, never in a billion or billions of years.
That is what this course covers, reminding us that all of the science that we use and see today was originally discovered and arrived at by Godly oriented scientists such as Robert Boyle (1627-1691), (Plourde, McManamy, Snyder, Meier, & Simpson, 2014, p. 387).
There are other scientists such as Johannes Baptista van Helmont
(p.317), John Dalton (1766-1844), (p. 59), and many more whose
outstanding Christian convictions gave them the clarity to discover
chemistry as we know it now.
We know you will enjoy this course. It is an eye opener and it is informational as well as enlightening, covering the basics of chemistry that will follow your, and be part of your college, university, graduate, and postgraduate life.
This course requires the following textbook:
"Exploring Creation with Chemistry Textbook 3rd Edition (4th printing)"
It can be purchased at the following link, or anywhere else you wish, such as Amazon, etc:
Length of Course Depends on Type of Course:
- Each Chemistry Science lesson is approximately 1 chapter or module that can last up to 90 minutes of on-line live class.
- Depending on your study time, you may finish the course in 4 months all the way to 8 months. This time includes time spent on experiments.
- There are a total of 32 lessons - One Module or chapter is covered every weeks and one week is dedicated to solutions of problems and homework.
- Some students will easily cover more than one chapter per week. It is up to you how fast or slow you want to proceed.
- Weekly classes are not meant to be a substitute for homework and class preparation. All homeworks must be completed each week, not exceptions.
Para más información por favór contactarse con
Your Instructor
Fred Echeverria
Biddle, D., A.Ph. ., Bisbee, D., A., & Bergman, J., Ph. . (2016). Debunking Human Evolution Taught in Our Public Schools. Gemesis Apologetics, Inc.
CMI, I. (2017). Scientists today* who accept the biblical account of creation. Retrieved January 1, 2018, from
Dr. Mitchell Tommy. 2015, T., 2015. (n.d.). Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology. (Vol. 1).
Echeverria, F. (2017, May 16). The World Crisis in Education.
Retrieved September 8, 2017, from
Luskin, C. (2015). The Top Ten Scientific Problems with Biological
and Chemical Evolution.
Discovery Institute. Retrieved from
Plourde, K., M. S., McManamy, M. M., Ph. ., Snyder, C., Ph. ., Meier, B., M. A., & Simpson, D., M. S. (2014). Exploring Creation with Chemistry (3rd ed.).
Wells, J. (2002). Darwinists Answer “Ten Questions” with Evasions
and Falsehoods.
Discovery Institute. Retrieved from
Your Instructor